January Member of the Month - Timothy Northrup
1. Tell us a little about yourself: what are some fun facts about you?
I am the father of three and grandfather of eight. I love sports and games of all kinds. I grew up on 24th street and walked over the Broad Street hill on my way to Hamilton Junior HS while the “Y” was under construction.
2. What types of fitness/training/exercise do you enjoy the most? Why?
Pickleball - great group of friendly people.
3. Are you currently enrolled in fitness classes at the YMCA? If so, please list the classes you have taken.
I work out with Michaela Piendel on a regular basis.
4. What is your favorite part of the YMCA?
The friendly staff!
5. What made you want to become a member of the YMCA of Parkersburg?
At my age I have been advised to keep moving! Motion is lotion!