March Trainer of the Month Health & Fitness, Motivation, Trainer, Fitness, General Wellness, Adults, LifestyleSolomia WilsonMarch 1, 2020YMCA of ParkersburgTrainer, Trainer of the Month, General Wellness, Blog, Group Fitness
How to Incorporate a Workout Routine with a Stressful Job General Wellness, Health & Fitness, Lifestyle, Blog, Adults, Fitness, Motivation, TrainerSolomia WilsonFebruary 3, 2020YMCA of ParkersburgLifestyle, motivation, health, stress
February Member of the Month Adults, Blog, Fitness, Health & Fitness, Lifestyle, Motivation, MembershipSolomia WilsonJanuary 31, 2020YMCA of ParkersburgMembership, Member of the Month, Lifestyle, Fitness
February Trainer of the Month Health & Fitness, Motivation, Trainer, Fitness, General Wellness, Adults, LifestyleSolomia WilsonJanuary 31, 2020YMCA of ParkersburgTrainer, Trainer of the Month, General Wellness, Blog, Group Fitness